Welcome to Home Pest Control of Los Angeles! We are California pest control specialists. We offer both residential and commercial extermination services in Los Angeles. We handle all common pest insects in
the area, including: Termites, Ants, Bed Bugs, Cockroaches, Spiders, Palmetto Bugs, Mosquitos, Silverfish, Centipedes, Millipedes, Carpenter Bees, Dust Mites, Spider Mites, Fleas, Lady Bugs, Drain Flies,
Indian Meal Moths, Yellow Jackets, Brown Recluse Spiders, Black Widow Spiders, Ticks, Pillbugs, Earwigs, and rodents such as rats and mice. We offer a range of affordable pest management services, including
complete interior coverage of your home or building, and complete exterior coverage of your house and lawn. We pride ourselves on our polite and courteous customer service and our excellent results.
Give us a call any time to find out more about our prices for pest control work and to schedule an appointment, usually within the next day. We look forward to hearing from you.
Los Angeles Pest Removal Tip:
Side Effect of Termite Control Chemicals
The chemicals used for termite control may contain chlorinated cyclodienes, dieldrin, and aldrin. This was originally found in pesticides but due to the harmful effects, they have been banned for agricultural use by the EPA. However, their use as termiticide has been retained. Understand that these chemicals should only be used by the professionals. Failure to use this appropriately can lead to adverse effect towards the health of the user.
Side Effects of Chemical Termite Control on Humans
When you are looking for a solution for your termite infestation, chemical treatments will not only drive away these insects but also the homeowners due to their adverse effect. Some chemicals found in the termites have been banned for agricultural use last 1978 due to their class-A carcinogenic compound. They can also cause blood, reproductive, and neurological disorders.
The Chemicals Are Carcinogenic
According to Dr. Epstein, an expert with regards to the side effects of chemicals, the toxic compound found on chemical treatment for termites are likely carcinogenic. Millions of homeowners around the US are unaware that they are being exposed to deadly fumes for a long time. Over the past few years, the state of Massachusetts and New York have banned the use of chlordane along with heptachlor, dieldrin, and aldrin. The chemical chlordane was found present in 80% of air samples collected from 1,500 houses in the US.
Pesticide Poisoning
Another possible side effect of the chemicals is accidental poisoning. They can contaminate the air, land and the water sources. It is highly essential to use these products according to the instruction of the manufacturer. Carelessly using the chemicals can lead to poisoning plants, animals, and humans. There are different ways on how the chemicals can poison you. Oral ingestion is the most common type of chemical poisoning. If the person drinks a water that has been contaminated by the poison, then it might end to an emergency trip to the nearby hospital. If you did not wash your hand, you can also expose your self to the risk of being poisoned. There are also termiticides that can affect the quality of air. Breathing the chemical spores for a prolonged period can lead to different health conditions.
It is Linked to Different Diseases
Apart from cancers such as leukemia, chlordane is also blamed for a range of serious illnesses such as aplastic anemia, and problems on the central nervous system. It can also lead to miscarriage, convulsion, and other behavioral changes on humans and animals. Based on the report that was published on Washington Post, a family had to suffer from depression, choking, spasm, fatigue, blurred vision, and nausea for more than 5 months after their house has been treated with chlordane.
Chemicals found on some termite treatment will have side effects and some of them can be fatal. It is best to allow the professional to handle the chemicals especially if you lack the knowledge and experience. You should also check the license of these professionals to guarantee that they have the credentials to perform the job.